Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

my name is lailatul maghfiroh. i was born on 23 of februari 1996. i am from banjarnegara but i am coming from islamic boarding school al falah salatiga. now, i'm studying at IAIN Salatiga and the major is english departement. treveling is one of my hoby "my trip my advanture", i hope that i can travel around the world and i really want to get scholarship post graduate abroad. talking about my ambition, sometimes i want to be lecturer, and sometimes i want to be staf in departement agama. but my father support me to be lecturer so my duty now is how to reach that dream become true. besaid that i want to be businesswomen. "I DO AND I PRAY" and "NEVER TRY NEVER KNOW"

What is free morpheme?
1.     Andrew Carstairs : Free morpheme is the smaller part of words (morpheme) that can stand on their own.
Ex :   Hear-ing
2. Francis Katamba    : Free morpheme is many  words contain a root standing independently (roots which are capable of standing independently)
    Ex :   men             book           tea
              Bet              very            pain
3. Mark Arronof    : Free morpheme is like a stem in constituting the core of the word to which other pieces attach, but the term refers only morphologycally simple units.

    Ex : dis-agree-ment

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016


In phoneticsstress is the degree of emphasis given a sound or syllable in speech. Also called lexical stress or word stress.
Unlike some other languages, English has variable stress. This means that stress patterns can help distinguish the meanings of two words or phrases that otherwise appear to be the same. For example, in the phrase "every white house," the words whiteand house receive roughly equal stress; however, when we refer to the official home of the American president, "the White House," the word White is usually stressed more heavily thanHouse


Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of Structure 3

Lecturer : Nur Muthmainah, S.Pd.i , M.Pd.

Arranged by :
1.      Shintiya Isnaini  Dewi                        113-14- 062
2.      Dwi Jayanti                             113-14-163
3.      Septian Dimas Saputra            113-14-156
4.      Lailatul Maghfiroh                  113-14-200

English Education Department
 Institute of Islamic Study (IAIN) Salatiga

A.    Background
Preference is used to express something that is preferred. sometimes also used to compare between the two things that should have been one of them. we have to learn about the preference because it is important to communicate in everyday life.
B.     Formula of Problem
1.      What is the meaning of preferences ?
2.      How many kinds of preferences ?
3.      What is the purpose of using preferences ?
C.     Purpose
1.      Understanding what preferences is.
2.      To know the kinds of preferences.
3.      To know the purpose of using preferences.

A.    Definition of preference
Preference is expression of a greater liking one thing or one person better than others. Preference usually used to give an advice, offering something, or asking opinion.
B.     Types of preference
1.      Prefer
Prefer is used to say we like one thing or activity more than another.
a.       We can use a prepositional phrase with to when we compere two things of action or politely ask someone to do something.
·         Subject + Prefer+to infinitive
e.g: they prefer to go now
·         subject+nouns+to+noun
e.g:my brother prefer ball to candy
·         subject+gerund+to+gerund
e.g:he prefers diving to surving
·         subject+prefer+someone(subject)+to invinitive
e.g:I prefers he goes to bed

b.      Typical errors
We don’t use than after prefer.
e.g: He prefers ball to candy

2.      Would Prefer
a.      Would prefer or d’ prefer that followed by to-invinitive or a noun is used to talk about present and future preference.
Formula :
Subject+would prefer+to infinitive/noun
·         We would prefer to study mathematic.
·         Mila would prefer to buy a new car.
b.      Would prefer or ‘d prefer can also used to say that we would like to do one thing more than another, we can introduce the second thing with rather then, followed by an invinitove without to,gerund,or noun.

Formula :
Subject + would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + infinitive / gerund/noun
·         Alika would rather to drink juice rather than coffe.
·         Booby would prefer to be a modal rather than become an engineer.

c.       Would prefer or ‘d prefer also used to explain the action of another person.

Subject+would prefer+object pronoun+to infinitive+verb
·         He would prefer me to come his wedding party.
3.      Would rather

Would rather or ‘d rather is used to talk about preffering one thing to another.

a.       There are four kind of would rather form:
·         Subject+would rather+verb1(infinitive without to)

e.g: we would rather sing now.

·         Subject+would rather+infinitive+than+infinitive
e.g: I would rather stay home than go shopping.

·         Subject+would rather+infinitive+noun+than+infinitive+noun
e.g: we would rather play ball than play card.

·         Subject+would rather+someone+verb2
e.g: I would rather you worked yesterday.

b.      Typical errors
·         We dont use would rather or would sooner with an-ing form or a to-infinitive

e.g: I dont need a lift, I would orather walk.
·         When we use not reffering to a different subject, we attach not to the second clause.
e.g: I would rather they didn’t tell anyone.
4.      Had better
Had better is used to refer to the present or the future, to talk about actions we think people sould do or which are desirable in a spesific situation. The verb form is a always had, not have. We normally shorten it to ‘d better in informal situations. It is followed by the invinitive without to.
Subject+had better+infinitive
·         I had better go now before the trafic gets too bad.
Had better is a strong expression. We use it if we think there will be negative result if some one does not do what is desire or suggest:
·         she had better get here soon or the she’ll miss the opening ceremony.
5.      Like.
·         Subject+like+gerund+better than+gerund
e.g: she likes singing a song better than playing a guitar.

·         Subject+like+noun+better than+noun
e.g: they like coffe better than tea.
6.      Instead of
Instead of used to replace of: than, to, better than, rather than.
Formula: instead of+gerund/noun
·         I prefer staying home instead of going out.
·         They would rather eat their lunch instead of work.
·         I would prefer to invite them instead of him.
·         He likes me instead of him.

Preference is expression of a greater liking one thing or one person better tha others. Preference usually used to giving an advice, offering something, or asking opinion.
Preference has several types, namely prefers, would prefer, would rather, had better, like and instead of.


Jumat, 30 November 2012



Dataran tinggi dieng (dieng plateu) sebuah dataran tertinggi di dunia setelah TIBETAN PLATEU di Nepal.  Kawasan ini mempunyai beberapa tempat wisata seperti komplek candi Arjuna, Kawah Sikidang, telaga warna, Dieng Teater dan ada satu lagi yaitu sebuah tradisi masyarakat BOCAH GIMBAL. Jarak dari rumah ku menuju wisata tersebut kurang lebih 5 km,   KOMPLEK CANDI ARJUNA di complex ini terdapat lima candi yaitu candi Arjuna, candi Srikandi, candi Punta dewa dan candi Semar terletak berderet deret. Dan tidak kalah menarik nya komplek candi ini di kelilingi bukit hijau dan di hiasi kabut tipis yang turun perlahan menutupi puncak puncak bukit nya. Hanya satu kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkannya BEAUTIFUL. Di daerah komplek candi juga ada Museum Klasa  di museum ini terdapat  artefak dan informasi tentang alam keadaan dieng . TELAGA WARNA setiap orang berkunjung di tempat ini pasti enggan berkedip menatap hamparan telaga yang indah , airnya berwarna hijau tosca kebiruan dan di kelilingi bukit hijau yang seolah menjadi pagar hidup bagi telaga tersebut. KAWAH SIKIDANG  di namakan sikidang karena kawah ini mengeluarkan uap panas yang di sertai semburan air mendidih berwarna kelabu. Uap panas yang keluar itu selalu berpindah pindah dan melompat seperti seekor kijang (kidang). BOCAH GIMBAL  di dieng merupakan bocah istimewa sewaktu lahir mereka mempunyai rambut seperti bayi pada umumnya, namun suatu ketika rambut mereka menjadi gimbal, kejadian itu biasanya di awali dengan panas tinggi selama beberapa hari. Setelah panasnya teurun  tiba2 rambut bocah menjadi gimbal. Untuk memotong rambut gimbal ada sebuah ritual tersendiri yang harus di lakukan. Byasanya anak di ruwet itu mengajukan permintaan itu harus di harus di penuhi semua ,didak beloh kurang sedikit pun sebab kalau kurang rambut anak ter sebut akan gimbal kembali.